Monday, July 13, 2009

Alone Is All One

Alone is


Loneliness is a Feeling
created by the belief in
the illusion of separation
and the emotion of fear...

Fear is Love turned inside out
and upside down.

Wherever you feel fear there is Love.


past and present and future said...
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past and present and future said...

The Love that we withhold is the pain that we carry. visaeus of andromeda.
Love is to have No success in matrix fabric, is a blessing. love is to not build a cage with own hands and neither to swim with the flow nor against the flow. insights of self knowing knows that the all one is the source and the flow and the ocean. according to the parabel of the all one . who swims with the flow never reaches the source . who swims against the flow has to swallow alot. like fresh born. untouched by seductions of the worlds. multi emotional intelligence hyper
I - consciousness detesting money and richness and weapons and gold and oil. successfully.
The All One. I - consciousness Detests driving cars and detest the causing of oil dril. I - consciousness detests hurting the goddess called mother earth. love within communicates telepathically with the galactic center and the center of the planetary wisdom core. nature is never less intelligent for billions of years. The all one knows that the nature is never to be under estimated. the all one immersed into time and space and matter and solved the illusion.
past and present and future, past away already, and is not present anymore with the all one. I - consciousness loves those insights from the inner family of adults and children.
the body called: """hey inner sublime ones . hear my plea: only when we in us are all , flows no more ash into the wind of vain...""
from where else should intelligence come from , as no whom else then the nature itself. as well as love invades from nature when one is alone and able to hear the voive which pierces through the veils.
is not a walk through the park ... one must learn to find a way for becomming the all one. boycot retreat beyond poser love
the soul of the I - consciousness ran to the heart of the nature beneath the feet. and much more...
from here on the body writes. I stumbled upon you, as i fled the hustle bustle jostle of restless inner talk.
all alone and betrayed and sold and misused and traumatized ...
I found a calm refuge in your sentences... only the inner organic light enlightens my path as all the other lights turned off for decades...
forsaken and alone is the body... so, there is no other way around as to wake the inner self and inner sublime. thirteen chakras cleansed and healed and transformed and neutralized and released.
the awakener of the all one. inner child the dragon tamer. the grandmaster of consciousness alchemies and the grandmaster of uniting the feminine and masculine within. the conoisseur of cosmic synchronicities. uhhh immeasurable as the nature, is the all one...
there is no sadness. just a need for communication. all are seemingly walking dead... i am not at twenty nineteen ... travel through field rooms ( the term dimension is mistaken)
this is the fun at exploring the immeasurableness of self...
thou art love as i art love.
infinite vastness of the cosmic heart .
like a waterfall is life the highest expression of be.
for you love
[edited second version. corrected failures ...]