Monday, February 25, 2008



You Created your life, before birth, using thought.

You wrote your own movie, decided what body you would have, who your parents and siblings would be, where you would go to school, whom you would marry, how many children you would have, what career path you would follow...

Then, you stepped into what you had Created with thought.

And yet, within this scripted existence you call your life, you have total and complete FREEDOM.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Heart Transformation


When you heal your greatest fear-based thinking with LOVE, you have employed what Dr's Lloyd and Johnson have called the Q-Codes, or Heart Transformation.

The Life-Navigation Kit is another method of doing this, you know?

The method does not matter.

What matters is the INTENTION to Heal Fear with Love.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Light Within


You may choose a path that is light, easy, and
brings great joy to your life. But if it does not
challenge or expand your capacity to Love, or your
knowingness of who you are, then it may not have
lasting value.

Or, you may choose a path that challenges and
expands your capacity to Love and know yourSelf,
and then you have the best combination of journey
and destination.

Or, you may choose a path that is dark and requires
that you carry your own light carefully within you.
This path may not bring immediate pleasure,
satisfaction, or joy, but if it results in greater
Self awareness, expansion of Self, and capacity to
Love then it can have tremendous lasting value.
But be careful! The journey may be long and dark,
and you may not reach your destination if you get
lost in the darkness!


There is no right or wrong way to go.
Remember Gratitude, no matter what path you find
yourSelf on.

Remember, Love is All There Is.


Friday, February 1, 2008



Goals and desires give you a reason to "go" and a direction to take.

Of course, you will want to choose goals and desires that, once achieved, will bring some benefit to your life.

But it is also, even more so, about the journey or the trip.

What you encounter along the way, and how you respond, will detemine the quality of your life path.
