Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Time of Transformation

The metaphor of transformation
is exemplified by the Butterfly
and the Frog.

The Caterpillar goes through a time
when it is no longer a Caterpillar
but it is not yet a Butterfly.

The Tadpole goes through a time
when it is no longer a Tadpole
but it is not yet a Frog.

You are in the Time of Transformation

No longer Human
but not yet ?????

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Last Piece of the Puzzle

The Illusion of Separation
exists within Unity and the One.

The One creates the Illusion
to generate Desire
for Itself.

The Ego Mind and the Illusion it generates
always exists.

There is nothing to overcome.

Only to remember.