Friday, February 28, 2014

A Mind With Heart for Your Money

Money is not a measure of being On Course.

Your Heartcompass is the only measure of being On Course.

What is your Heart telling you?

Are you giving substance to the form of money with fear-based belief, or with Love-based Truth?

The amount of money does not matter.

It's the substance that matters!

In your Mind, a penny or a billion dollars is the same thing.

A single penny, given substance with Love-based Truth, has more value than a vault of gold given substance with false fear-based belief!


How I received this Healing Message:

As I was preparing to teach a class on using the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System to create A Mind With Heart for money, I found myself drawn to the LifeNavigator's Chart to process more of my own fear-based beliefs about money.

What I encountered is a common, almost Universal fear-based belief; that there is never enough money.

No matter how much money we have, there will always be something, somewhere, that costs more than what we have.  This fear-based belief manifests on every level - personal, in relationships, in business, government, even planetary.

After writing down my fear-based beliefs about "not enough money", I closed my eyes and asked my Heart for the Love-based Truth.

I was guided to the feelings and sensations in my own body. I felt a weight, a heaviness, in my chest around my Heart.  It felt difficult to breathe.

The voice in my head asked me what this weight and heaviness looked like.  I focused my inner eyes on the area, and said that it looked like a heavy treasure chest of some kind, with a big lock on it.

The voice said to open it.  I said I did not know how.  It told me I had the key in my own hands - that I always had the key.  I just had to move my hand and use it to open the lock.

In my Mind I could see and feel the key in my hand.  I opened the lock, and started to lift the lid.

Inside, there was a warm, brilliant light.  I smiled, and lifted the lid completely off of the box.

I was then guided to take the light out of the box, and place it into my own Heart.  At first, I felt some resistance to this.  Keeping the light in a heavy, locked box felt so familiar.  I didn't know what I would do with it, out in the open like that!

But I followed the instructions.  I took a few deep breaths, and it felt warm and good as the light settled into my Heart.

I began to realize that the heavy locked box was my fear-based beliefs about "not enough money".  That fear was like the lock and key, keeping the warm, comforting Light of Infinite Abundance hidden from my own Mind and Heart.

To open the box, I needed to see the key in my own hand - the same fear-based belief that had locked the box could also open it!

"A single penny given substance with Love-based Truth has more value than a vault of gold given substance with fear-based belief!"

If you feel guided, I invite you to use the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System to identify your false fear-based beliefs about money, and find the key to open the real treasure chest - in your own Heart.

Go to :

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Today's Love-based Truth from A Mind With Heart:

It's never about being separated from other people.

That's the Illusion.

It's always about forgetting Who You Really Are.

It's never about being separated from God.

That's the Illusion.

It's always about forgetting Who You Really Are.

Remember Who You Are!


When I was a child, my father would tell me stories of how he survived the Holocaust.

The most compelling story he ever told me was this one:

For several years, my father, his father, and his little brother survived by hiding in the dense forests surrounding the small village in Poland where he was born.

One day, my dad went into the village to steal some bread so they would not starve.

As he was leaving the village, a young man from my dad's village - now a soldier with a gun - saw my dad with the stolen bread and stopped him.

This young man, this soldier, could have killed my father, or at the very least arrested him and sent him to a concentration camp.  But he did not.

My dad knew this young man.  They grew up together in the same small village.

My father looked into the young soldier's eyes and said - with great passion, "Remember who you are!"

The look on the soldier's face softened, as if he were looking inward.  And he lowered the gun, and allowed my father to escape.

My dad spent several years in the forest before he and his little brother were discovered sleeping in a Polish woman's barn.  She took the boys in and protected them until the war ended.  My grandfather, unfortunately, did not survive.  He was shot while stealing bread from the same village.

What happens when we forget "who we really are"?

We experience fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, disappointment, revenge.

What happens when we "remember who we are!"?

We experience compassion, courage, love, joy and inner strength.

Remembering who we really are is so much more than just another self-help, spiritual growth, or personal empowerment "technique".

Remembering who we really are is a life altering experience - one that will change the course of your life forever.  It's "the missing piece" - the one thing we've always been looking for, but "in all the wrong places".

I know.  I lived most of my life in fear.  I didn't know who I was, or why I was here, or where to find the answers I needed to make my life the joyful experience I knew it could be.

I'm not afraid any more.  I know who I am.  I know why I'm here.  And, most importantly, when I forget (which happens almost every day for at least a little while) I know where to go to get the answers I need to get back on track.

I would love to share with you how this happened in my life.  You might just appreciate the story, or you might find something of value in the process that I use every day.  Either way...

I invite you to join me live, online, for a free "class" that I am calling "THE MISSING PIECE: Creating A Mind With Heart".  The live class will happen on Wednesday, Feb. 19th at 6pm PST.

In this class I will share how I overcome fear, doubt, anger and depression, and transform that into love, clarity, joy, appreciation, and a life filled with adventure and miracles.

To join the class, simply enroll in the Course I have created at the WiZiQ online education website.  The Course is called "THE MISSING PIECE: Creating A Mind With Heart".  This week's class is titled "Creating A Mind With Heart for Relationships".

In the class I will teach you the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System for Creating A Mind With Heart.  I won't be selling anything.  But I will be sharing more free resources available at my own website,

I hope you will join me. If you can't attend the live class, it will be recorded.  Enroll now so you will get the link when the recording becomes available, or to view the recording if you are reading this after the class was held.

Go to:  WiZiQ and ENROLL in THE MISSING PIECE: Creating A Mind With Heart

Thank You!

Ilana Moss
Heartcompass Enterprises
Metaphysics for Life
The Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Missing Piece: Creating A Mind With Heart

Today's Healing Message:

"Others" cannot "blow you off", "cut you off", "reject you" or make you feel alone or isolated in any way.

When you respond to others by feeling hurt, left out, alone and angry, then you are giving substance to this experience with false fear-based belief.

You are doing this to yourself.

No one "out there" can do anything "to you".

Choose another response.

Choose to give substance to your experience with Love-based Truth from your Heart.


Welcome Back to Healing Messages from A Mind With Heart

I've been gone a while.  I posted "Healing Messages" for several years, and then dropped it without really knowing why.

The "Healing Messages" are what I call Love-based Truth from my own Heart.

I receive these messages from my Heart when I use my Heartcompass LifeNavigation System to identify false fear-based beliefs that are creating suffering and chaos in my life experience, and ask my Heart to replace them with Love-based Truth  (more about the LifeNav System and how you can learn to use it in a bit...).

For years I shared the Messages, but not the personal experience that I used to receive them.  Well, all that is about to change!

I realize now that it is important to share openly with each other - whether we are in pain or in-spired (receiving inspiration).  This morning I used the LifeNav System and accessed my Heart to receive the Love-based Truth above, and here is how it happened for me:


The month of January was extremely challenging for me in my closest relationships.  Issues with my oldest brother, my boyfriend, and my best girlfriend all came to the surface in big and very painful ways.  I felt hurt, rejected, alone.  And it felt like all of these relationships were coming to an end and I would never be able to recover them.

I knew at the time that this was a gift for me in disguise (my birthday is in January, so I guess my Heart was giving my a big, fat birthday gift!).

I opened my LifeNav Kit and started writing down false fear-based beliefs (FFBB's) on post it notes and placing them on the Off-course side on my Navigator's Chart.  I did this first with the rejection I felt from my brother.  Then I asked my Heart for the Love-based Truth.

(to learn about the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System for Creating A Mind With Heart, join me for a free live online class at WiZiQ - click here to join for free )

What happened next took me by surprise in a big way.  I got into a big fight with my boyfriend, and guess what?  He rejected me too!

So I went back to the LifeNav Chart and starting writing more post-it notes.  And I asked my Heart for the Love-based Truth.  And guess what?

I didn't get into a fight with my best girlfriend. Instead I found myself getting terribly angry at her, lost my temper, yelled at her over the phone (yes, I admit it) and the next time she saw me - she smiled and gave me a hug!

That's when I finally got it; I was doing this to myself!!

So, this morning, I meditated and used the LifeNav System combined with something I've learned called the Compassion Key (by Edward Mannix - more about that in a moment). I accessed the traumatic, painful memories I have of feeling rejected and left out of my brother's lives, schoolmate activities, being undermined by coworkers, and even my divorce.

Using the Compassion Key, I stepped back into my body at those times. Then I asked my Heart for the Love-based Truth about what I was experiencing - at those times.

What I learned was this:  No one can make you feel rejected, separated, left out, blown off, or alone.  I have responded to each of these situations in that way, giving them substance with FFBB's.  It's ok.  I didn't know any better at the time.  But now I do!

I used the Daily Prayer for Peace of Mind to forgive myself and the mistakes I made that caused myself and others so much pain. Then I asked my Heart to give substance to these memories with Love-based Truth.

That's when I realized I don't have to separate, remove, or isolate myself from anyone in my life.  The Truth is we are all connected, and nothing can separate us.  Separation is an Illusion.

In fact, there never was any separation.  Only FFBB's giving substance to form and creating pain and suffering in my life.  Replace FFBB's with Love-based Truth, and the Illusion of Separation is dissolved completely.

The Truth is, whether another person appears to be with us or apart from us, what really affects us is how we hold them in our Hearts.  If we believe they hurt us, and we hold them with pain (fear is at the root of all pain) and/or anger, then that is how we will experience them in our lives - whether they are physcially present or not.

Read the Healing Message at the top of this post.  If it resonates with you then apply it to your life.  If not, try using the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System to identify the FFBB's getting in your way of having truly heartfelt connections with the people you believe are causing you pain.

To learn more, go to the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center and take the Course for Creating A Mind With Heart.

Also, this wednesday, February 5th, I am teaching a free online class:  The Missing Piece: Creating A Mind With Heart with the Heartcompass LifeNavigation System.  To learn more and how to join the class go to Heartcompass Secrets and LifeNavigation Tips. There you will also learn more about Edward Mannix and the Compassion Key.

Thank you for reading Healing Messages from A Mind With Heart!  I promise to share more with you in the near future.

Hope to see you in Class this Wednesday!

Ilana Moss
Heartcompass Enterprises
Metaphysics for Life
Creating A Mind With Heart

copyright 2014